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Meet a New Member of Our Team

Meet our Programme Officer Ms. Diana Joseph. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management with a concentration in Tourism studies from Mount Saint Vincent University in Canada. She also has a diploma in Project Management. Her experience extends across the fields of tourism, education, and project management.

Her love for working with community projects started when she got the opportunity as a community tourism officer with the Dennery Mabouya Valley Development Foundation in 2012. During her tenure, she represented St. Lucia both regionally and internationally. In 2014 she emerged as the winner of a competition

hosted by The UK Travel Foundation and the St. Lucia Tourism Authority. This gave her the opportunity to travel to the UK to participate in the “St. Lucia Showcase” where she was able to showcase and market the communities’ tourism products. She worked with local tour operators and was successful at securing contracts that brought tourists to the communities.

She has also worked with sustainable livelihood projects with community groups in the south of the island with a focus on mangrove restoration, seamoss farming, beekeeping, and community tourism. After the closure of the projects, she volunteered with the groups and also served as their mentor.

Although she has lived in Saint Maarten, Canada, and the UK, her passion has always been to return to her island and contribute to its development in whatever way she could.

She is excited at this opportunity to be working with the Saint Lucia National Conservation Fund as this allows her to work directly with projects aimed at enhancing communities.


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