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Criteria For Eligibility Of Grant Sites

Guidelines and criteria for the ranking of sites proposed by grants are important tools for the SLUNCF to use in its allocation decision-making.  Each year, the SLUNCF will work with the TAC to determine priority ecosystems and sites to support each year. The SLUNCF and the TAC will continue to refine the high-level guidelines and criteria for ranking sites each year. A few examples of the types of criteria the SLUNCF may develop include the following:

  • Current ecological condition of the site: Consider the ecological status of sites and weigh the benefits of protecting healthy ecosystems and/or enabling degraded ecosystems to recover. 

  • Presence of endangered and rare species: Consider the importance of endangered and rare species to Saint Lucia’s national patrimony.

  • Urgency for taking actions in the site: Consider critical threats and pressures facing the site and the need to act immediately to prevent further ecosystem degradation and worsening site conditions.

  • Ecological connectivity: Consider the role of the site within the larger ecosystem.

  • Social capital associated with site: Consider the level of stakeholder interest and engagement, as well as resources available from community groups, NGOs, and other groups.

  • Sustainable livelihood potential: Consider the potential for the site and/or project to support sustainable livelihoods for stakeholders.

Eligible Recipients

A variety of different types of recipients in Saint Lucia will be eligible to receive grants from the SLUNCF.  All eligible organizations or individuals must be legally-registered entities in Saint Lucia and have the necessary organizational infrastructure, including but not limited to a bank account and necessary leadership and staff capacity to support the implementation of the project. All eligible organizations should show any available matching funds in their proposals.


Potential recipient types include:

  • Public sector agencies of the government of Saint Lucia responsible for natural resource and biodiversity conservation. Public sector agencies must provide a 1:1 match of funds through in-kind or cash contributions for all proposals; in-kind contributions may be no more than 50% of the match.

  • Local universities or colleges conducting activities relevant to the vision, mission, goals, and strategies of the SLUNCF.

  • Local or regional (Caribbean) NGOs established, legally-registered, and existing in Saint Lucia for no less than 5 years and with an established track record and complementary source of funds.

  • Private corporations or other companies from relevant industries involved in marine/terrestrial ecosystem and biodiversity clean-up, protection, conservation, and/or monitoring. Private corporations must provide a 1:2 match of cash funds for all proposals, and they must not generate a profit through project activities.

  • Local community associations/community bodies with direct impact on marine and/or terrestrial biodiversity and ecosystem resources (e.g., fisherfolk associations, youth groups, church groups).

  • Other appropriate local entities of Saint Lucia working toward the vision, mission, and goals of the SLUNCF.

Non-Eligible Projects

A number of project types will not be eligible to receive funding from the SLUNCF. Non-eligible projects include:

  • One-time and recurring operation/administrative costs of ministries, agencies, departments

  • Salaries for executive officers or core organization staff

  • Activities relating to extraction/depletion of natural resources

  • Purchase of land

  • Projects not consistent with the purpose of the SLUNCF

  • Projects related to political campaigns and/or political propaganda

  • Projects that violate provisions of the Inter-American Convention on Corruption

  • Projects that could be expected to give a conflict of interest

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